Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mom's May Day!

Almost all the festivities in the Philippines are held during the month of May. Don't know exactly when it did start. But one thing I know, this month also marks my mom's natal day.

On May 3, that will be her 65th year in this world. I salute my mom for bringing us to this world, providing us all our needs and being our best teacher. She had made us what we are right now.

Not to mention all her sacrifices for us, she had made every second of our life fruitful, for us to enjoy the world, others aren't lucky to have. My mom is the instrument of my success. We, her sons and grandchildren are her living treasures she had made to. And I am proud to be her son, her eldest.

Love you mom! Wishing you good health, long life and all the best in your life. Happy birthday and mothers day too! Ariba! to the best mom!

PS.: Don't worry Pop's, it will be your turn next month.



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